Epson M100 Error Code 0x88 Part 49545

Epson M100 Error 0x88

Epson M100 Error 0x88

Epson M100 Error code 0x88 Display on PRINTER: Excessive Light Error

When using the Epson M100 printer outdoors or near windows, you may encounter the error code 0x88 on its display. This error is specifically related to excessive light affecting the printer’s performance. The excessive diffused light from outside can shed on the printer sensor, causing issues with its functionality.

The sensor failure is the main culprit behind this error code. The sensor is responsible for detecting ink levels, paper detection, and other important functions. Excessive light can disrupt its operation and result in error code 0x88. Additionally, the PIS (Print Initial Setting) board failure can also contribute to this error.

If you are experiencing this error, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can follow. Firstly, try moving the printer away from direct sunlight or any intense light source. Ensuring that the printer is placed in a more shaded area can reduce the impact of excessive light on the sensor.

Another troubleshooting step is to check the printer’s environment. Make sure there are no reflective surfaces or windows nearby that could be causing the excessive light issue. If you find any, try covering or adjusting them to minimize the light interference.

If the problem persists, it is recommended to contact Epson’s customer support or a certified technician who can assist you further. They will be able to assess the sensor and PIS board for any faults or failures and provide appropriate solutions.

In conclusion, the Epson M100 printer may display the error code 0x88 due to excessive light interfering with its sensor and PIS board. By taking precautionary measures and seeking professional help if needed, you can resolve this issue and ensure the smooth functioning of your printer.

Printer Model Epson M100
Error Code 0x88
Display on PRINTER
Description and troubleshooting Excessive light error. Sensor failure. PIS board failure. Too much diffused light from outside is shed on the sensor when used outdoors or near the windows.

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